Doula / Antenatal Teacher


Offering Birth Pool in a Box to Your Clients


Birth Pool in a Box Professional sets the standard for multiple-use portable birth pools.  Backed up by our self-service B2B store, fast delivery and great support, you can offer the best pool to your clients with confidence.

birth pool


There are two levels of service you can offer:

Option 1: Pool and Air Inflate Pump only.  Then clients order liner and accessories directly.  This reduces their cost below £100.
Option 2: Full package.  You provide everything they need.  More work and storage requirement for you.

Doulas and Antenatal Teachers qualify for 50% off our Professional Pools and 10% off liners and accessories.  Fast delivery is free on orders above £50.

Register for B2B store access and we will guide you through the process.


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